
WIPO Connect — It is an IT solution developed and offered by WIPO — The World Intellectual Property Organization (Switzerland), designed to facilitate the collective management of copyright and related rights, including local and central modules.

Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) manage copyright and related rights on behalf of right holders.

CMOs establish and maintain networks to support accurate collection and distribution of royalties. Documentation is thus vital for a smooth functioning of CMOs at the national, regional, and the international level. CMOs need to collect information about right holders and works, such as identifiers, names and pseudonyms, titles, shares, sub-publishing and licensing agreements. This information allows CMOs to collect royalties and distribute them to right holders.

WIPO Connect provides an efficient, well-suited, and customizable solution, aimed at facilitating CMOs’ day-to-day operations and their cooperation with CMOs from other countries.

In August 2023, in accordance with Article 76 of the Agreement on Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union (“to improve the management of society for collective management of intellectual property rights by introducing measures “to achieve a higher level of rationalization and transparency in relation to the implementation of the tasks of their PCOs”) KazAK» acquired the specialized WIPO Connect program from WIPO — The World Intellectual Property Organization.

WIPO Connect is a program that will be useful to Kazakhstani copyright holders and users. It will strengthen the relationship between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union, adding transparency and technological advances to the work of RPO KazAK, as an international level society for collective management of intellectual property rights.